Sunday, January 26, 2014

Big News, Big Changes!

We got through and enjoyed the holidays – hurray!! Then, came January. It was good, but it was stressful. It was whirlwind and we’re happy to now be letting the dust settle and be looking forward once again, though we’re looking into a whole lot of unknown. See, I’ve got BIG NEWS!

Big News #1 – New Job!
After five years making memories and growing in the PR agency world, I’m taking the leap and will be moving into something new. Whew! This one has been a process! I wasn’t necessarily looking for change, but I am excited to move into an in-house role in which I’ll be writing blogs on behalf of others. That’s my job. I get to interview folks and be a writer!! Thanks to all who have encouraged me along the way instead of laughing at me for wanting to do something as seemingly frivolous as write. And, as an added bonus and a boon to family life, I’ll be working from home. This is both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. I think it’ll be great overall, but will certainly take some getting used to. Gulp. I start first week of February. 

The new, work-in-progress office space.

Big News #2 – Pregnant Again!
Yup, I’m happily pregnant with baby #2! We’re thrilled, but especially with the job changes and an energetic toddler, it’s taking a lot longer to wrap my head around this one. Pregnancy with Lil’ O was a miracle that I savored, even through the rough bits. This pregnancy, so far, seems to be a blur of activity and change. This was very much planned, but with the holidays and the job change, it’s been hard to believe I’m actually pregnant. Except, my clothes don’t fit. So, there’s that. 

Lil' O doesn't quite understand the news yet, but we were able to get these fun pictures. Idea courtesy of Pinterest.

So much change, so little time! My head is spinning. Now, it’s time to look forward and see how much life actually changes as a result of each of these big updates. Phew! And, for the record and as thrilled as we are, I don’t recommend two major life changes at once. ;)